Gatherings and Conferences
Global Tapestry of Alternatives ( GTA) Gathering in Kenya - August 2023
GTA has invited their weavers and endorsers to meet in person for the first time after the pandemic. The gathering took place in Nanyuki from August 8th through 14th in a lodge on the feet of Mount Kenya. About 60 people from various countries in the world were open to sharing their struggles, resistance, and alternatives to oppression.
It was one of the most touching gatherings I have ever participated in. People who have been on the ground resisting and persisting were together to exchange experiences and love for one another. I felt at some point overwhelmed and small with so much emotion. But at the same time, happy and hopeful for the future of humanity. Amidst so much intensity, there was laughter, crying, dancing, weaving, cooking, discussion, and sharing of food for the body and soul.
You can watch a Youtube Video of the event.
Pictures with the description of my experience are below. This is how it happened to me...